Natural remedies for relieving symptoms of Ambeien without surgery

Ambeien is a condition that causes discomfort to the sufferer, but fear of surgery makes many patients seeking the drug to ease symptoms naturally ambeien arising. Ambeien itself is a medical condition in which occurs the dilation and swelling of blood vessels located in the lower part of the rectum and anus. These blood vessels are experiencing enlargement due to the increased pressure. There are several things that could potentially be the cause of the onset of ambeien. The cause of the most common is constipation. In addition certain conditions such as lack of exercise, low-fiber diet, pregnancy, obesity, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or sitting too long can also cause ambeien.

There are two kinds of ambeien differentiated according to the location of the incidence of ambeien ambeien, internal and external. It is located on the internal layer Ambeien next to the inside of the rectum, and not felt except ambeien already very bloated fell and pushed to the outside of the anus, causing pain and itching.

In contrast to internal, external ambeien ambeien arising under the skin on the outside of the anus. Signs and symptoms of the most common external ambeien is JST. The blood that comes out is usually colored bright red that can be observed on the outside of the stool or dripping it into the toilet. In addition, the palpable lumps which can arise when the anus opening.

Defuse Complaints Ambeien with Natural Ambeien
Doctors will usually suggest some alternative therapies when someone has terdiagnosa ambeien, where some of them involve surgery or invasive procedure. In addition to the therapies offered by the doctor, you can also try some ways to relieve pain and itching due to ambeien, or to keep symptoms that you feel is not worsening. A few steps as medicine natural ambeien this you can do at home.

A warm bath
Soak in a tub filled with warm water for 15 minutes can help relieve pain and itching due to ambeien. Doing it this way three times a day and each completed defecation may become drugs natural ambeien. If you want to clear the area around the anus, be sure to use SOAP without fragrances and avoid rubbed too hard. When you're done soaking, drain the area of the anus with the way menekan-nekannya gently. Although the itchy, avoid scratching the anal area due to irritation will occur that make Your makin ambeien.

Ice cubes
Place the small bag of ice cubes on the area of pain several times a day. To avoid any inconvenience caused by the sensation of cold, you can coat the ice SAC with a towel. The sensation of cold ice can relieve pain and deflating a blood vessel suffered swelling for a while, so this way used by sufferers ambeien as medicine natural ambeien.

Consumption of foods high in fiber
The lack of water and fiber makes the stool become hard so that one tends to mengejan when bowel movements to remove it. With mengejan, the pressure on the veins in the rectum will undergo improvements. This is why those who consume more fiber is less likely to suffer ambeien.

In this case, the remedy is with natural ambeien consume more vegetables, fruits, and whole wheat. Add fiber to your diet gradually to avoid gas production that sudden and excessive in your digestive system (which makes you become begah). By consuming enough fiber and fluids daily, the stool will be softened so as not to aggravate the condition existing ambeien.

Maintain the cleanliness of the area of the anus
Sounds may be trivial, but this step is also an effective natural medicine ambeien. The remains of dirt that are still lags can irritate the anus so make Your makin ambeien. Clean the anus area with more water is recommended. However, maybe some of you are more comfortable using toilet paper in cleaning genitalia and anus area. No problem, you just need to make sure that you use moist wipes (tend to be wet) and does not contain alcohol or fragrances.

Choosing the right underwear
Choose clothing in the soft and not too tight. Cotton is the best choice for the underwear due to its soft, cold, and absorbs sweat very well. When used for fabrics in the texture of cotton fabric, keep the area of the anus in order to still get air flow so that it becomes not too humid.

Keep the bowel habits that are healthy
Forming bowel habits can be good medicine ambeien natural for the sufferer. Bowel habits that both of them are ' restricting ' time on the toilet. If you do not also can defecate after a while on the toilet, don't enforce for defecation. Remember, the mengejan will add to the pressure on the veins in the rectum, which will aggravate Your ambeien. Would be even better if you have a regular schedule where you can defecate at the same time each day.

Similarly, if you feel like to defecate, don't get used to arrest him. Stools that are not immediately ejected can be collected until hardened. This can make you must make a greater effort to remove it and make Your makin ambeien severe conditions.

Try a squat position while defecating
Believe it or not, the position of the squat made easier the stool comes out (sometimes just need a little mengejan only or even not at all) so you don't have to overload the blood vessels in Your rectum with excessive pressure when defecating. If your House has a TOILET seat, you can still modify it with easy steps. Place a low stool in front of your WC, the place where you put your feet. The raised knee position while sitting as effective as the squat position.

Use the pad when sitting
Natural medicine ambeien one is reducing the emphasis on blood vessels in rectal area both from within (by way of avoiding mengejan or keep the weight is not excessive) and outside. Reduce the emphasis the blood vessels from the outside can be done by sitting in a Chair that has a bearing. The surface is relatively soft pads can help relieve swelling of the blood vessels and also helps prevent the formation of swelling.
Duration when sitting as well should you estimate. If you're forced to sit in a long time (e.g. due to work or traveling long distances), but if possible every 1 hour once and briefly walk for approximately 5 minutes to reduce the emphasis on the area of the anus.

It turns out that an awful lot of steps that you can praktikkan at home as medicine natural ambeien. Of course, the suggestion therapy from a doctor should you really consider either by choice of therapy offered doctors surely after he performs assessment and assign degrees of severity ambeien you suffered. However, it doesn't hurt to implement the above measures to help relieve symptoms, prevent ambeien increased severe and prevent ambeien not formed again.

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