Itchy skin Remedies range from natural materials around you

Cure itchy skin which are widely used by the public is a drug in the form of a powder or cream. But if you have sensitive skin, usually it is likely your skin will experience irritation or other skin disorders in medicine does not match with your skin type. Therefore often there are people who want to treat itching his intention in the skin, but gatalnya be getting worse because the cure is not suitable. The solution to this is to choose drugs that are made from natural ingredients. Because the materials are derived from nature are usually harmless though used in a period of time long enough. Well, on the article this time we will try to distribute information to you about several types of natural ingredients that can be used as a remedy itchy watery nor dry.

Itchy Skin Due To Traditional Drug Allergies Or Other Causes
Causes of hives on the skin there are many and varied, but the main cause is usually due to skin fungus or bacteria-bacteria that accumulate in the skin. So it's no wonder people are less attentive to the cleanliness of the body will be more easily affected hives. Even if disepelekan, hives on the skin can become more severe skin diseases such as dermatitis. In addition can be caused by fungi and bacteria, hives on the skin can also occur due to allergies. Then when it's exposed to the hives, itchy skin remedies traditionally what to use?

1. Lemon and coconut oil

The simplest way to resolve itching on the skin is with lemon and coconut oil (virgin coconut oil, VCO). Lemon is great for healthy skin, so did the VCO. The trick is quite simple, a squeeze of lemon, then combine the perasannya with coconut oil. Well, the way to treat it is by applying the mixture to the skin feels itchy. Leave for one night and wait till the itching diminished or disappeared.

2. Turmeric

Itchy skin remedies traditionally next too you can get from the kitchen, namely, turmeric. Kitchen materials on this one already for a long time believed to solve a variety of problems on the skin. However, for the treatment of itching, all you need is a saffron which is old. The turmeric with some mashed leaves sambiloto until smooth. Don't forget to wash the leaves and turmeric sambilotonya first to clean to avoid possible occurrence of iritas another skin. Then You apply the results of tumbukannya on the part of your body that itch.

3. Aloe Vera

Sometimes the itch which appears due to allergies can also cause swollen bumps up-swollen bumps that contain liquids, for this type of itching you could try using Aloe Vera. The Aloe Vera plant has long since proven to be able to cope with the many types of skin diseases, good for itchy watery nor dry. Cut the leaves of Aloe Vera, and then apply a liquid or gelnya to the problematic skin. You can save the rest of the amply cut in the freezer and use them in the future, can be kept for one week.

4. Clay

This might be a bit weird, it turns out that clay can also be utilized to become itchy skin remedy. Clay was able to overcome the irritation of the skin and itching as well, especially the itching caused by insect bites or stings. Clay works by pulling toxins on the skin until the pain or itchiness will be reduced. All you need to do is mix the clay with water so that it becomes like peanut butter or half of mud and then apply on the part that itches. Could also use a clay-smeared muslin first and then closed on the part that itches.

There's more traditional ways to cope with the itchy skin due to allergies and itching on sensitive skin you can try and some tips to prevent itchy skin on the next page.

5. Huntersville

Pathikan China or Huntersville turned out to be one of the types of plants that can be used as a dry and itchy skin due to allergies. These plants proved to be quite effective to stop the itching that occurs due to allergies. How to make ramuannya is with 60 grams of Huntersville and 10 pieces of betel leaf. Boil the two ingredients in the 600 cc of water until the water is boiling. After that wait until the water is warm or cold. Then use the water decoction of Huntersville and betel leaves as remedy itchy skin with how smeared on parts of your skin that itch.

6. Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly may not include traditional medicine, but it's a shame if Miss not written here because petroleum jelly is quite effective in tackling almost any kind of itching in the skin, suitable for sensitive skin or not. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this name, but is actually pretty easy to get, try to ask to the pharmacy or supermarket, a common brand in Indonesia is Nivea Petroleum Jelly. Its use with smeared like balm.

Tips to prevent diseases Itching on the skin
Although it sounds very trivial, however the skin disease can give bad impact at a later date. Because sometimes there are several skin disorders including hives that will leave permanent scars. Now, if You already feel the itching, you can try some kind of itchy skin cure traditional of yesteryear we have already described. However, if you do not want to feel itchy, then all you have to do is preventive measures.

The first thing you need to do is to always keep clean. Good hygiene or cleanliness of the environment and the stuff we put in our bodies. Therefore do not be lazy bath or clean themselves. Clean up all sorts of stuff that is around you on a regular basis. Although it is simple, but it is quite effective to make you avoid disorders the itching on the skin. In addition you must also maintain the cleanliness of the clothes or objects of any kind that sticks to your body, starting from the shirt, pants, socks, and shoes. After you wash these items, jemurlah in hot and exposed to sunlight. The aim is so that bacteria-bacteria that stick can die.

If you have allergies, be it food or drink to a particular environment, it's only natural You avoid it. For example you are allergic to shrimp, allergic to the cold temperatures, and so forth, then it's best avoided so as not to trigger the itching on your skin. Whereas if allergies are on certain medications, may we suggest that you consult with a physician if there is a cure.

So our brief explanation about various runny and itchy skin medication drier which can be made from natural ingredients. So from now on you can make your own itchy skin cure itself if at any time you experience excessive skin itching. The article this time, may be inspiring and rewarding. Thank you.

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