The Normal range of blood sugar for adults

Knowing the normal range of blood sugar is very important especially if you are a people with diabetes. Every time you undergo a test to find out your blood sugar levels, make a note of the results along with the date and time the test is done. Also make a note of what you eat before you undergo the test, the drug what is You current consumption and how much the overdose, as well as what sports you are tekuni at this time and how often/long you do sports. Documenting such things well will help health workers who deal with You in determining the right therapy, or to see if the therapy which you received pertained to the effective or not.

Did you know that there are several kinds of normal range blood sugar depending on the time of the taking of the blood? When blood sugar levels in our body is considered too high? Why is it high blood sugar levels are harmful to your health? This article was written to answer those questions.

The Normal range of blood sugar that you need to know
Blood sugar or glucose produced from the intake of foods containing carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy required by the body. To help the body use glucose, there is a hormone called insulin. The insulin produced by the pancreas and released into the bloodstream when glucose levels in the blood increase.

Normally, your blood sugar levels will experience increased after meals. Increase in the blood sugar levels trigger the pancreas to produce insulin so that your blood sugar levels do not become too high. Blood sugar levels that are too high can cause damage to eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. High blood sugar levels can also double the risk of a person developing heart disease and stroke.

Unfortunately, there is a condition in which the pancreas does not produce insulin in sufficient amounts. This condition is called type 1 diabetes. There are also other conditions in which the body cannot use insulin effectively. This condition is called type 2 diabetes. On two of these conditions, blood sugar levels can be increased up to exceed the normal range of blood sugar. Here are some of the kinds of limits that normal blood sugar are important to note.

Fasting blood sugar
Fasting blood sugar checks means the taking of blood was performed after a person is not eating (fasting) for at least 8 hours. In case of not eating (fasting) for at least 8 hours, ideally the blood glucose is below 100 mg/dL figure. This is the first test to be conducted to find out whether someone experiencing prediabetes and diabetes. A person can be said to suffer from diabetes when in a State of fasting blood sugar reaches 126 mg/dL or more.

Before doing a fasting blood sugar checks, one is not allowed to eat for at least 8 hours before the blood sample is taken. Liquids are allowed to drink only water. If someone was diagnosed with diabetes earlier, fasting blood sugar checks will take precedence before the individual concerned consume the morning dose of insulinnya.

Blood sugar 2 hour post prandial
The so-called blood sugar checks with a 2 hour post prandial blood retrieval is done exactly 2 hours after a person begins to eat. This is not a test to uphold the diagnosis of diabetes. This test is done to see if someone who is diabetic insulin dosage has been getting that right. Normally, after a meal blood sugar levels should not exceed 180 mg/dL. When a person's blood sugar levels exceed the normal range of blood sugar, the person must be checked myself further.

Blood sugar levels on a 2 hour post prandial inspection also varies depending on the age. In people aged under 50 years, examination results blood sugar 2 hour post prandial shall not exceed 140 mg/dL. On the elderly who are between the ages of 50-60 years, examination results blood sugar 2 hour post prandial should not exceed 150 mg/dL. While the above 60 years of age may not exceed 160 mg/dL.

When blood sugar
Blood sugar while checks do not care about when was the last time someone eats. The test is also important because in healthy people, the fluctuations in blood sugar levels throughout the day will not be much different both before and after a meal. Before eating, normally the normal range of blood sugar is between 70-130 mg/dL. While in the evening, when measured then the normal blood sugar levels are in the range of 100-140 mg/dL.

If on examination of blood sugar during this person's blood sugar levels indicate numbers above 200 mg/dL and he was urinating more frequently, always thirsty, and his weight has increased or decreased significantly, the examination follow-up is done usually is the fasting blood sugar test to uphold the diagnosis of diabetes.

Glucose tolerance test
In addition to the examination of blood sugar fasting glucose tolerance test, is also used in enforcing the diagnosis of prediabetes or diabetes. In this test, the taking of the blood was done in two stages after a person ingests a liquid containing sugar. This test is generally applied to the pregnant women to find out whether the pregnant women experience diabetes gestasional (increased blood sugar levels due to pregnancy).

This test is usually done a few times. The first test generally done between weeks pregnancy 24-28. Pregnant women will be asked to drink 50 grams of sugar solution, and an hour later the health worker will check his blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar levels of pregnant women above 130 mg/dL, health workers will return to the examination of blood sugar levels. This time, pregnant women will be asked to fast and then examination of the blood sugar levels will be done every hour during the next 2 to 3 hours.

Before undergoing the test glucose tolerance, a mother who is pregnant will be asked to consume a particular diet for 3 days before the examination was performed. As with fasting blood sugar, the examination expectant mothers should also be fasting for 8 hours in advance before, should not smoke, and should not be doing excessive physical activity.

Thus, what is the normal range of blood sugar in pregnant women? When the first test shows blood sugar levels above 95 mg/dL, an hour later above 180 mg/dL, two hours later above 155 mg/dL, and three hours later the blood sugar levels more than 140 mg/dL, your doctor will state of pregnant women experience diabetes gestasional.

In addition to the four kinds of examination of the blood sugar levels, there are also other ways to measure blood sugar levels, i.e. with a hemoglobin A1c or glikohemoglobin, which measure how much glucose attached to red blood cells. This test can be used to enforce the diabetes diagnosis more accurate, although application of this test in Indonesia is still not applied evenly throughout healthcare facilities.

The purpose of doing the measurement of hemoglobin A1c more on aspects of monitoring, which means the test is done to see if someone managed to control the diabetesnya well in 2-3 time last month, as well as whether the drugs given to lowering blood sugar levels in these individuals need to be replaced.

To keep your glucose levels do not exceed the normal range of blood sugar, it's important to do 3 things: paying attention to diet (consume food containing sugar complex and limiting portions), exercise routine, and enrich themselves by things related to diabetes. Medication is the last pillar of the new ones will be given in those 3 things showed no significant changes.

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