Cause Late Puberty and how to overcome it

Generally the cause of late onset between one woman and another is not always the same. This is because there are several possibilities as to why a woman late menstruation or menstruation. However women usually take the conclusions too early with it as a sign of pregnancy, because late menstruation or menstruation is very identical to the symptoms of a pregnant woman. Indeed late menstruation is one of the signs of pregnancy, but usually the signs of pregnancy will appear along with other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, head of the agency quickly exhausted, and so on. So if only belatedly coming months alone with no other symptoms then it is not a sign of pregnancy and can be caused by other things.

What is the cause of Late Onset in women?
Menstruation occurs due to the decay of the walls of the inside of the uterus. The ovary produces egg cells regularly, which if not fertilized will give a signal on the uterus to begin the process of menstruation. If the ovary produces egg cells too late then it will be too late anyway signal sent to the uterus. The delay menstruation means will also be difficult to determine fertile periods that will be inconvenient for planning pregnancy.

Normally the average woman has a menstrual cycle every 28 days, with distances ranging from 21 days to 35 days. The date of the onset of menses is not always the same every month by always shifted a few days, unless indeed serendipitous menstruasinya cycle revolves around 30-31 a day. Then why could happen late puberty? What is the cause? Here's the explanation.

1. The issue of Psychic

The first thing that most likely could lead to a woman late onset is due to psychic. A lot of things that cause the occurrence of stress, such as pressure of work environment, fatigue, household affairs, and others. Stress will cause the resulting hormonal imbalance of the body, which causes the terlambatnya ovulation, the release of the egg by the ovaries.

2. the age factor

Cause factor late came the next month could be a factor of age. At the age of adolescent body undergoes many changes of hormones, the body adjusts to the hormones that are femininity sometimes will cause late puberty. Likewise, at the age of 45-55 years or early menopause, the body back is experiencing a transitional period will also cause menstruation are less regular. After really experiencing menopause, women will never experienced menstruation again because the ovaries are not producing eggs.

3. Factors of PCO

Factors of polycystic ovary or PCO is when a woman's body produces more Androgen male hormones-Testosterone than the female hormones Estrogen and progesterone. This will cause the ovaries are not capable of producing the perfect egg cells, so it's not the ovulation. If ovulation does not occur, then the menstruation does not occur. This could cause the PCO factor no menstruation for a long time, it could be months. The bad news is if ovulation does not occur then it would also be difficult experience of pregnancy.

4. weight Factor

The next factor is weight. Weight loss is not ideal, either below or above the ideal weight will cause late menstruation. The sudden weight changes can also be the cause. Under ideal body weight will cause the function of organs, not maximum, including also on the organ of femininity. Whereas if weight less extreme under ideal weight, then ovulation will not occur at all. This may be because the body decided that currently are not in ideal conditions to have offspring.

The article causes of late have come this month continues on page 2, see also what are things that can be done to address them on the page.

Overweight will also result in the occurrence of late puberty, one of them due to PCO. Excess weight will cause the body experiencing increased levels of insulin, which will cause an imbalance of other hormones. But also note, being overweight is not the only cause of the PCO, there occur various other things that could cause the PCO.

5. Factors of abnormalities

Factors of this disorder consists of 2 kinds, i.e. anatomical abnormalities and non-anatomy. Anatomical abnormalities to factor such as diseases of the ovarian cyst (ovarian cysts), myoma uteri, and also cancer can make late or delayed menstrual cycles. As for the non-anatomic factors could be hormonal disturbances as described above. Another non-factor Anatomy could be the cause of late onset is the use of birth control resulting in blood clotting.

How to cope with Late Onset with natural methods
Five causes of late coming last month certainly cannot be compared between one woman with another woman, because each must have had reason on its own. This can make it difficult to cope. Late puberty sometimes would be a problem for a woman, like making confused as to whether this is a sign of pregnancy, pregnancy planning hassles because it's hard to predict which fertile, disrupting the schedule of events already planned, and so on.

If you are experiencing menstruation cycle that comes too late, the first thing you need to do is stay calm and don't panic. Do not think too much before you know the facts. Know what You are naturally more recently, and look for the subject matter of the problem why you get to late menstruation. The first thing You might want to check is whether being under stress, depressed, or just a lot of mind?Stress and too tired of activity will be able to change a person's hormone balance easily. If this is indeed the cause of late onset that you experience, try to restore your physical and mental condition. May be by way of rest while listening to music, doing a hobby that makes you happy, on vacation, and so on. Then also try so that your sleep schedule regularly which will help speed up the recovery of hormonal balance

How to launch or accelerate menstruation so that the next regular return is doing a pattern of healthy living. It is important to do sports regularly so that the body fitness can be maintained. Then eating healthy food will be able to meet the needs of nutrients the body and also keep your body weight so that the ideal, not too thin and not excessive. This is one of the terms so that menstrual smoothly.

Diligent consuming lemon water in the morning can also help normalize menstrual cycles. In addition the content of lime juice is also good for fertility. To launch Your menstruation can also drink a glass of water decoction of betel leaf three times a day. But keep in mind, the water decoction of betel leaf will make the stomach feels painful if you're not strong or not used, so do not be imposed if no match. In addition you can also consume jamu late puberty made of natural herb such as ginger, cinnamon, brown sugar, and so on.

After searching for a solution about the causes of a late menstrual and tried various ways to overcome it but failed to menstruation is normal, then we suggest that you saw a doctor to find out the exact cause. This is important because is also associated with fertility, and also be able to know if only certain health disorders suffered.

So this article deals with what are the causes of late came a month and a bit of a way to resolve it. Hopefully this article can provide the benefits and help you find the solution, thank you.

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