A variety of signs and symptoms of a lung infection that you know

Lung infection include diseases that are not easy to distinguish characteristics known. This condition occurs when the presence of inflammation in the lung area. Caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi and other microorganisms that invade the lung tissue – a lung.

There are various types of infectious diseases of the lungs – lung. This time there are three types of infkesi between Lung pneumonia, pulmonary TB and bronchitis that will be discussed in the following article.

Get to know the anatomy of the lungs Before knowing the signs and symptoms of pulmonary infections
The lung is a vital organ in the human body. In charge of taking and mentransferkan of oxygen from the outside of the body into the human body. Without oxygen the lung – pulmonary channeled can occur resulting in cell death of human death.

Before recognizing the signs and symptoms of pulmonary infections, it's good we know beforehand the anatomy and the workings of the lungs. So it can figure out how pulmonary infections can occur and also know the part next to the lung where the problematic when an infection of the lungs.

Every human being has a pair of organs of the lungs, the chest that is on the left and right. The shape of soft, elastic and light like a sponge that is colored pink. Both the lungs associated with bronchial and tracheal which is shaped like a pipe connecting lung respiratory organs with over i.e. the nose and mouth.

The right lung is divided into three sections or lobes (an upper lobe/superior, middle lobe medial/, and lower lobe/inferior). While the left lung is divided into two parts or lobes (an upper lobe/superior and lower lobe/inferior).

The lungs also shrouded by a membrane called the pleural membrane. This membrane serves to reduce friction lung with a rib during inspiration (inhaling breath) and ekspirasi (exhale). The pleura itself consists of two layers of the pleura and parietal pleura i.e. viseralis.

On the inside of the lungs organs alone there are thousands of bronkiolus and millions of alveoli. The alveoli air bubbles is the site of gas exchange with the blood vessels. A collection of the alveoli then called bronkoilus. The total number of alveoli in the lung of the second man is about 700 million or 350 million respectively. Alveoli and bronkiolus can be filled up to 3.5 liters of air.

A variety of signs and symptoms of pulmonary infections
The condition of lung infection occurs when germs or microorganisms that invade the inside of the lungs. This will be discussed in the article 3 types of pulmonary infections and their signs and symptoms. I.e. pneumonia, pulmonary TB and bronchitis.

Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory process that occurs in pulmonary tissues (alveoli) due to Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria infection. The disease is more common in infants and children than in adults.

Signs symptoms of yan can occur include fever, fast breathing accompanied by shortness of breath, increased pulse rate, a thick greenish-colored phlegm, coughing can be accompanied and lips became blue. Someone who smoked on active or passive smokers have a higher risk of experiencing a pneumonia.

In the case of severe pneumonia will appear to also pull the lower part of the chest wall into the seizures, to unconsciousness. This can occur due to bacterial pneumonia damaging lung alveoli tissue in organs – a lung. Lowering the amount of optimal oxygen should be entered into the human body.

Treatment of mild pneumonia, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics that must be spent in accordance with the dosage given by doctors. In addition doctors also prescribe drugs will usually be pain reliever and fever as an additional remedy. Someone has terdiagnosa yan with pneumonia should stop smoking and live a healthy life in order to repair his lungs.

Pulmonary TB
TB lung disease tuberculosis of lung, also known as the layman's disease pulmonary flecks. A network of pulmonary infectious disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli. Symptoms when basil is invading the lungs include cough, weight plummeted, no appetite, fever, night sweats, bloody coughs, chest pain, and weakness.

TB infection conditions coughs can be either cough phlegm so that lasts for more than 21 days and not cured with drugs drug usual cough. Basil is easy to attack on those people who experience a weak body defenses such as people with HIV/AIDS, cases of malnutrition or undernourishment, smokers and drug addicts.

Pulmonary TB includes disease are difficult to detect. The sufferer must go through a series of checks between other lung x-rays, tests mantoux tests, sputum and blood laboratory tests. This disease is also a disease that is very easily transmitted mainly through coughing and phlegm. Sufferers of TUBERCULOSIS mandatory use of masks to prevent the spread of infection to others.

Pulmonary TB disease can be cured by undergoing a series of lengthy and grueling treatment. Each day the patient should drink 4 to 6 in the same type of medication until the completion of 6 months of treatment. Many cases of pulmonary TB patients who dropout from treatment and resulting in bacteria resistant TB and spread to other areas such as bone even causing meningitis.

Pulmonary TB is also a drug that is very toxic to the liver and kidney health. TB drug use in the long term can also result in complications i.e. heart and kidney organ damage.

The third lung infectious diseases that will be discussed is bronchitis. Bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi. As explained earlier, that is the connecting pipe bronchial lung with trachea and is one of the main organs on the lung – pulmonary system.

Bronchitis sufferers will experience a cough accompanied by thick secretions or mucus is yellow to greenish yellow keabuan, throat pain when used to swallowing until pain and discomfort and tightness in the chest when breathing. Other symptoms that may appear are a tired and accompanied by a low-grade fever. On the type of acute bronchitis, this variety of symptoms will last two to three weeks.

Whereas in chronic conditions, symptoms that have been mentioned above can last up to three months even for a year. Recurrent symptoms will also come next year. Chronic bronchitis is more frequently experienced by elderly people who are aged over 40 years due to the habit of smoking.

Chemicals in cigarettes potentially damaging small feather in hair called bronchial Cilia. Hair Cilia have the function of removing numerous dust and excessive mucus. The use of cigarettes in the long term can be the cause of defective Cilia bristles and weakens the lining of the bronchial walls.

When the Cilia hairs damaged, then the dirt and excessive mucus can be removed and disposed of with the process of cough. Mucus and dirt that buried in the bronchi also will cause the vulnerable to attack infection. Not only invade the bronchus, the infection can also be spread on the lung tissue so that there was pneumonia.

Bronchitis that were not immediately dealt with would cause a pneumonia, and as a result of pulmonary organs could be submerged by the liquid. The disease is also known as the layman's lungs moist. Excess fluid can also be stuck in an area between the two pleural layers on the lungs. Result in tightness that can lead to death. The handling is also becoming increasingly difficult conditions against.

Avoid smoking and the environment that a lot of cigarette smoke is the main steps that should be implemented to prevent the occurrence of a wide range of infections in the lungs. Always wash your hands and do not use cutlery drink alternating with others can prevent a variety of transmission of pulmonary infections through saliva or droplets.

Such information about the sign of lung infection symptoms, along with a brief description about lung Anatomy and how to prevent the occurrence of pulmonary infections which is mandatory for you to know. Hopefully this article beneficial and healthy!

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