HIV symptoms in men, whether there is at you?

HIV symptoms in men it is important to note as one attempts to disconnect the chain of transmission of the HIV/Aids disease. As it known that diseases HIV/Aids nowadays is wrong or a very dangerous disease and feared by everyone because it has not found a cure. Therefore, prevention is the most effective measures to inhibit the spread of the HIV virus. Number of HIV sufferers are getting today, and it is feared the number will explode or cause outbreaks. This is due to the many communities that have not been realized against the prevention of HIV transmission.

The HIV/Aids disease is a disease caused by the HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This virus attacks the human body defense system mainly cell lymphocytes. HIV and Aids are the two things that are inter-related, so often are combined into a single unit to describe his illness. The term is used to describe HIV sufferers at the initial phase, while Aids is generally used to refer to those already on the advanced phase with a variety of complications. The HIV virus can be transmitted through various means, namely through an intimate relationship, tranfusi blood, syringes, and the transmission of HIV from mother to baby.

Some symptoms of HIV in men to look out for
HIV symptoms in men actually didn't vary much with symptoms of HIV in women. But it needs to be discussed more specifically mainly to prevent transmission to her partner. For in a variety of research, many ordinary housewives who apparently contracted the disease from her husband with HIV due to have behavior like another couple without being noticed by his wife. The various symptoms of HIV in men, among others, as follows:

1. Suffering from venereal disease

HIV symptoms in men is a fairly typical that is suffering from a venereal disease. Indeed not all people suffering from venereal disease is HIV. However, the disease can be one of the consequences of risky sex behavior. The intended behavior that is frequently changing partners. People who have this kind of very risky behaviors to suffer from venereal disease while potentially contracting the HIV virus. Frequently venereal disease suffered by men with risky sex behavior among others, namely gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes genitalis, skabies, ulcer mole, and so on.

2. Diarrhea or thrush which never healed

Digestive disorders in the form of diarrhea and thrush also is also one of the symptoms of HIV in men. Diarrhea and mouth ulcers that happen certainly not common. If diarrhea or thrush happens easily cured in a relatively short time, but in the case of HIV or chronic/longstanding often relapse. This condition certainly can endanger patients, especially if the diarrhea happens not followed with the addition of a fluid which is then vulnerable to occur adekuat of dehydration and malnutrition.

3. Disorders of the skin

Disorders of the skin is namely in the form of hives, rash, or red small ulcers can occur in various parts of the body of the sufferer. The disease is usually too difficult to be cured or healed some time later only to reappear (often relapse). In addition on HIV also look dull skin, prone to irritation, cracks in the outer skin tissue, and prone to contagious skin diseases such as eczema, herpes, and smallpox. On the part of the nail is also infected with the fungus so its color is changed to blue or blackish.

4. Weight loss drastically

HIV symptoms in men the next weight loss dramatically. This is because in people with HIV are experiencing nutritional deficiencies so it looks thin dry. Indeed at first weight loss less so mean, but gradually decrease occurs significantly and clearly visible changes along with the increased severity of the disease suffered.

5. Swelling of the lymph nodes

Swollen lymph nodes can also be one of the symptoms of HIV in men. Lymph nodes of transport media is a white blood cell that plays an important role in the immune system. As we know that the disease of HIV/Aids are mainly white blood cells cell lymphocytes. If the lymphocyte cells are invaded, then the lymph will conduct a natural defense response is characterized by the onset of swelling. Swelling can occur in areas of lymph nodes, that is at the base of the neck (Chin), the armpits, the folds of the thighs, and around the rib cage.

6. Susceptible to infectious diseases

Because the HIV virus attacks the human body defense system, then HIV easy contracting infectious diseases. The infectious diseases can take light or heavy. Types of infectious disease that is often suffered by people infected with HIV, among others, i.e. RESPIRATORY, influenza, TUBERCULOSIS, meningitis, infection, urinary tract infection, and so on.

7. The fever

Fever is a natural response of the body due to the influx of mikrorganisme into the body. In this regard the entry into the human body, namely the HIV virus as well as other germs due to secondary infections (diseases of companion). The more frequent infections of the feverish, then sekuder will be increasingly common. Fever is characterized by an increase in body temperature, which is typically diserati with a sense of discomfort on the entire body and also headaches.

8. Easily fatigued

Fatigue can also be one of the symptoms of HIV in men. This happens because the HIV virus interfere with the metabolism of the body so the body's tissues are weakened. Pendeita often have weak, tired, lethargic, less energetic and uplifting. Sufferers often feel tired easily but not currently doing heavy activity.

If there are people around you or maybe your spouse, or even your own experience gelaja as has been mentioned above, then check with your doctor immediately to immediately get medical handling. On medical examination, will be certainly back in the lab do a HIV virus infection or not. If it is true that the HIV virus infected, then the doctor will do the appropriate treatment of the condition of the patient. To inhibit the progression of HIV, your doctor will usually prescribe ARVS (Anti Retro Viral). Currently ARVS are effective enough to inhibit the development of viruses at once lowers the ability of viruses to infect places barun (lowering the number of transmission).

The best way to avoid HIV is to conduct preventive measures. Things you can do that is by always loyal to one partner (not an official alternate pa

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