Vessels – Arteries Function, sort, and related Diseases

Artery is one of the blood vessels are muscular and arterial vessels function is to carry blood to the heart. There are 3 layers of the blood vessel on pulse i.e. outer layer, the middle layer, and the layer inside. Outer layer of the artery has a very elastic. While the middle layer has the form in the form of muscle cells that are plain and the inner layer is composed of thin-walled cells.

Vessels also have thick walls so that it is able to generate energy to help the heart pumps the blood and spread it throughout the body. This very important function makes the artery or arteries vital enough in maintaining blood circulation. Here is a full review of the functions of the arterial vessels, vessels, and the structure of different types.

Arterial Artery function in the body
As a very important veins, arteries or the pulse has multiple functions for the body. One function that is often known is as a medium for channeling blood containing oxygen to the heart. Thus, the smooth circulation of vessels will make a heart condition remains healthy. As for the other functions of the vessels are as follows:

Circulate Nutrients to all the cells of the body
One of the functions of the artery the artery is circulate throughout the nutrients to all parts of the body. As we know, any food that is consumed by a body absorbed his nutritional and then released by vessels to the heart and eventually on all parts of the body. No wonder if there is a blockage in the blood vessels, the body and the heart will lack nutrients and oxygen.

Assist the process of spending on toxins in the body
Other functions that are owned by vessels is removing the toxins that are present in the body. In this case, poison or substance remaining in the body will be issued through three 3 process. The first was defekasi which consists of the process of spending the rest of the food through the digestive system and ends up being the stool.

Second is ekresi i.e. the expenditure process toxins from the urine, air breathing, and sweating. While the third process is the expenditure by the poison glands and cells. In this case, the vessels have a very important role because this vessel passes through organs such as the kidneys, lungs, liver, and skin layers.

To stabilize the balance of the essential components in the blood
As for the last function is to help stabilize the balance of chemical elements in the blood, including the balance of the immune system.

All kinds of Vessels that are in the Body
After learning the function of arterial vessels, you should also know about all kinds of vessels on this one. There are at least 5 kinds of vessels when categorized by organ of blood will be taken place and size.

Based On Organ
When categorized by place of blood taken from organs, vessels are divided into two i.e Arterial Systemic Arterial and Pulmonaris. The artery is the artery vessels Pulmonaris carry oxygen-rich blood has gone through the process of deoxygenation in the lungs. The process of deoxygenation is a process of exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide. After that, the blood containing oxygen that flowed towards the heart.

While Systemic Artery is the blood vessel that carries not only oxygen, but also the entire nutrition heading into the rest of the body. In this process, the blood which will be streamed is blood which has undergone the exchange between nutrients and gases.

Based On Its Size
If categorized by size, there are 3 types of vessels i.e. Aorta, Arterioles, and capillaries. Artery Aorta is the largest artery in the body. Vessels on this one comes from the heart and the organs of the left Chamber and then will bring the blood containing oxygen throughout the body.

The arterioles, veins are vessels with most small size that has a direct relationship with capillaries. In General, the size of the vessels Arterioles is 0.1 mm.

While the capillary itself is not a true vessels. This is because the combination of arterioles, Capillaries and Venules (one of the branches of the Venous vessels). At the capillaries this is water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, chemical substances, nutrients, and other materials that are useful to the body of the Exchange. As for the size of capillaries is about 5 – 10 micrometers.

Dangerous diseases that attack Vessels
You already know the function of arterial vessels as described above. Now is the time to know the dangerous diseases that often attack vessels and certainly have to look out for.

Hardening of the Artery or Arteries
The condition of the artery hardens due to substances of lime, sugar, fat, and cholesterol are too much in the body. This one disease that usually strikes those who like eating fast food and contain saturated fat.

Arterial artery function as carriers of nutrients in the body will be hampered when the fat that goes into the body too much. Not only that, the active smokers also have the risk of hardening of the artery. The only way to deal with it is to reduce foods containing saturated fats, especially animal fats. In addition, the diet program also needs to be done in order for the vessels return to normal operation.

Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary heart disease is an effect of hardening of the artery. This is because the heart and vessels are the two sections that relate to each other. This one disease will cause the occurrence of blockage of blood so that the heart is not able to work optimally.

You certainly have been very familiar with this type of disease on this one. Hypertension or high blood disease closely related to the arteries. In severe conditions, hypertension sufferers can experience a stroke until the heart failure. For that reason, do not ever underestimate the problem of blockage of blood in the body.

Peripheral Arteries
Another disease that is caused due to an error the function of arteries is the peripheral Arteries. In people with Peripheral Arterial blood supply, leading to the hands and feet is hampered because the artery is narrowed. The main causes of Peripheral Arteries is the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the body.

Menyempitnya vessels will automatically make the blood flow in the body becomes smooth. One of the characteristics is fatigue, sufferers often experience cramps in the legs and arms, and in severe cases cause death.

That's some disease that often attacks the artery or arteries. On the blockage of arteries stadium lightweight, sufferers can cope with multiply the consumption of foods that contain nutrients and have the function address the inflammation. Some kind of decent food consumed is turmeric, garlic, pomegranate, spinach, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, and apples.

As for the blockage of the artery the artery severe levels, the only way is to go to the hospital to get further handling. So a little bit of reviews about the function of artery disease and arterial blood vessels that are prone to attacking the body. May be useful.

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