Signs of Miscarriage Pregnant that young needs to look out for

Find out information about the signs of miscarriage pregnant young is very important because of the risk of miscarriage is the threat that haunts the expectant mother. The risk of pregnant women to miscarry quite large i.e. 15%-40%. Then around 60%-75% miscarriage happened on gestational age less than 3 months (timester first). However, the risk of miscarriage decreases in gestational age above 3 months. It is therefore very important to keep the fetus inside the womb, especially when pregnant young. Young pregnant at the moment because the fetus is still small so still prone to disintegrate and has not been too strong to stick (holding) in the mother's womb. Miscarriage is certainly feared by pregnant women. Because dreams are the cutest baby's presence will be destroyed when a pregnant woman suffered a miscarriage.

Miscarriage is a situation where the fetus out prematurely and failing to live. There are various factors that cause the occurrence of miscarriage. The cause of the miscarriage of a pregnant young, among others, namely due to abnormalities in the hormonal system of prospective mothers. The disorder is usually in the form of the hormone prolactin which is too high or too low the hormone progesterone. The presence of abnormalities in the womb also can cause miscarriages, the most frequent namely miom which can interfere with the growth of the embryo. In addition, miscarriage can also be caused due to chromosome abnormalities, the womb of the mother, the presence of viral infections (such as HIV, Hepatitis, TORCH), lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, obesity), suffering from chronic diseases (heart disease, kidney, DM), as well as the age of the mother at the moment it contains are too young or too old (less than 20 years old or more than 35 years).

Some Signs Of Miscarriage Pregnant Young
For the prospective mother should always pay attention to every single thing experienced during pregnancy, especially during the young pregnant where is a risky time to miscarry. Some signs of miscarriage pregnant young to look out for include the following:

1. The presence of spots or bleeding

The incidence of the spots or bleeding is one of the signs of miscarriage pregnant young. In a normal pregnancy, usually the spots also occur. But those numbers were a little flecks and short lasting. Fleck in pregnancy occur due to hormonal changes and the process of sticking the egg in the uterine wall. In the case of a miscarriage, the spots usually lasts a long time and constantly. Or it can also be a great bleeding occurs. If the meet mark, then it's best to check as soon as possible to the doctor or at the nearest health facility to get help. Read also: this is the kind of Bleeding while pregnant that young needs to look out for.

2. Abdominal Cramps

You also need to be wary if the cramp, as could be the signs of miscarriage pregnant young. Stomach cramps are actually reasonably experienced by pregnant women who are experiencing young. Because these cramps are usually caused due to the womb wall muscle stretch due to the presence of a fetus or due to a process of substitution of the hormone progesterone production by the placenta that was originally produced by the corpus luteum. Cramps here it feels like on the cramping that occurs leading up to menstruation. But in a sign of miscarriage was commonly occurring cramps. This cramping is usually accompanied by symptoms of bleeding. Read also: causes of stomach cramps while pregnant young and how to overcome it.

3. Reduced signs of pregnancy

While pregnant, surely women experience typical signs of pregnancy, such as nausea and vomiting (morning sickness), changes in the breasts, fatigue and so forth. In women who have experienced a miscarriage, moderately (slowly) the pregnancy signs of diminishing and will even disappear altogether. Therefore you need to be aware of these symptoms is because it could be signs of miscarriage pregnant young. At the beginning of pregnancy, morning sickness is a sign of a fetus is healthy and strong. If morning sickness was lost suddenly and is accompanied by other symptoms then you should saw a doctor in order to be examined more thoroughly.

Learn more about the signs of miscarriage while pregnant young you can read on the next page.

4. Discharge of liquid from the sex organs

Signs of miscarriage pregnant young next discharge of liquid from the sex organs. The fluid resemble a whitish, but its color is more dark or brownish. Then followed red fluid and increasingly bright as blood. If you are having signs like this then immediately see a doctor because it could constitute signs of miscarriage.

5. Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen can also be signs of miscarriage pregnant young. Abdominal pain on the lower part of this usually lasts a long time. Pain is not just happening in the lower abdomen, but can also occur in the groin, under the pelvis, and also in the area of sex organs. This sign is certainly does not stand alone, but is usually accompanied by symptoms of bleeding.

6. Loss of fetal movement

In early pregnancy the fetal movement may still be hard felt. But starting the 18th week usually the prospective mother can feel fetal movement is clearly in her womb. Increasing gestational age, the movement will be more pronounced and frequent (read: fetal development from week to week pregnancy). If gestational age increased but reduced fetal movement or even disappear then you ought to be suspicious, because this could be signs of miscarriage pregnant young.

7. There is no fetal heart rate

There are several cases of miscarriage that showed no serious symptoms. Until the death of the fetus recently detected after the expectant mother checked her unborn child to the doctor. In the ULTRASOUND examination, if the miscarriage then it will be detected that the fetal heart rate isn't there. Signs of miscarriage pregnant young of this kind is often referred to as a missed miscarriage, in which embryos are dead but not show symptoms like a miscarriage in General (such as bleeding and pain). Therefore the expectant mother must be more vigilant, if there are suspicious signs should quickly check to the doctor.

These Tips so that your young Pregnant Period runs smoothly
If you are experiencing signs of miscarriage pregnant young as we mentioned above, we recommend that you immediately see a midwife or a doctor in order to be dealt with as soon as possible. To avoid miscarriage then things you can do as preventive measures, among others, namely by consuming nutritious food during pregnancy, complete consume folic acid, avoid smoking (either active or passive smokers), Avoid alcohol consumption, controlling weight, avoid stress, and avoid exposure to chemical substances (such as lead, arsenic, formaldehyde, ethylene oxide and benzene).

Young pregnant at the time, it's best to avoid physical activity that is too heavy. If you want to do a sport select types of sports a lightweight, don't do sports too heavy because of the risk for fetal harm you. In addition, to avoid viral infections that can interfere with fetal development, we recommend that you always keep a good personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the environment. We recommend that you avoid this type of food which is abstinence of food of pregnant women. The abstinence among others i.e. foods that are not cooked to perfection (usually baked on food), as well as the kinds of fruit that can trigger uterine contractions, such as pineapple, papaya, durian and young. Don't forget to always checked my pregnancy to the doctor or the midwife at regular intervals in order to monitor your health and the development of the would-be fruit hearts.

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